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RV moving Check List

Below is a Pre RV Moving Check List

It is a general checklist that should apply to most all RV Moves

You should print and or save to your computer and make changes to this list based on your RV

Bob Martin takes no responsibility for the content of this list that may be containing or missing steps based on your RV.


This is BY FAR the most important checklist. 

Missing steps here can cause severe damage to the rig and / or truck, and possibly even injuries.

You may be an experienced RVer but it doesn’t hurt to have a check list

Bob Hauls It is not responsible for any content breakage or from your failure to secure and prepare your trailer for moving!

Pre RV Moving Check List

  • Check fresh tank (usually just 1/3 tank or emptied to reduce weight) If you will be going to a site that has water

  • Check Rig tires (inflation, general inspection) )

  • Check Pin Box and power cord for damage

  • Secure outside items. (rug, chairs, etc)

  • Dump Black and grey tanks

  • Bedroom secure and carpet stowed (closet door latched, laundry door closed)

  • Place needed clothes in non slide area
    All other contest stored for travel

  • Bedroom slide in / Bedroom door closed

  • Bedroom A/C and lights off

  • Bathroom shower secure (everything off shelves, shower door locked open)

  • Bathroom secure (vent closed, counter items stowed, bathroom door latched open)

  • water pump, water heater, ALL Lights

  • ALL windows closed

  • Windows blinds up or secured.

  • Dog's food, water bowls and treats put away near door or in Truck (suggested by my dog Gigi)


  • Living room secure (refrigerator doors shut and latched, carpets stowed, chairs

  • secured with padding, all breakable glass

  • all drawers and cabinets closed)

  • Pantry door closed

  • Windows closed / blinds up

  • A/C, heater, fans off

  • Refrigerator switched to gas (auto) Prefer it be shut off  

  • Propanes Tanks off  ( This is a recommendation, some feel the propane should be off some say it can stay on,,, your choice)

  • Slides: one last check for obstacles inside and out

  • Slides: Retract (with door, vent, or window open to allow for air flow

  • Secure plumbing (water hose, waste tank drain hose)

    • Power should be left on until RV attacked to truck​

  • Check all outside storage boxes to insure all closed and locked

  • awnings IN

  • Slides IN...  Caution!!! You SHOULD NOT operate Slides without a door open! you are reducing or expanding the space inside the RV, there MUST be a place for air to vent or a vacuum or pressure may develop inside the RV

  • Items that can be done when time to hook up truck

  • Hook truck to trailer  (do as the driver requests procedure not included here)

  • Jacks / Stabilizers to TOW HEIGHT (Rear Retracted)

    • Be sure Rear Jacks are retracted first before raising Front Jacks​

  • Forward Bay Closed and Latched

  • Check and close all storage doors and lock.

  • Secure power cord ( best to secure after all the Jacks and Slides are in)

  • do a complete walk around. Truck running Lights ON, 4-way Flashers on

    • Make sure all Debrie is clear of RV

    • all windows closed

    • slides fully retracted

    • Make sure wastewater connection has cap on

    • wheel chucks stored

    • Lights and 4-ways work, (flashers use the same bulbs as the turn signals)

    • Power cord stored.

    • Antennas lowered.

    • Secure main entrance

    • Door Handel retracted; I recommend across the door

  • Stow steps, lock door, secure hand hold

  • Put your keys in your pocket

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